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Art. 761

Splitting ax 1000 g

The 1000 g splitting ax is designed for the maximum cutting efficiency and to work in safe conditions. It's the perfect tool to…
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The 1000 g splitting ax is designed for the maximum cutting efficiency and to work in safe conditions. It's the perfect tool to cut larger pieces of wood logs thanks to its wedge-shaped cutting-head. The balance between the 800 g cutting-head and the light and long handle makes it possible to obtain speed, power and precision by taking maximum advantage of the weight of the head.

The cutting-head is made form high-carbon steel and an anti-friction coating. Thanks to its shape and the non-slip material, the handle is ergonomic and light: its structure is empty inside to reduce the vibrations caused by the impact with the wood. The back side of the cutting-head is also usable as hammer. The ax is also equipped with a cover with belt-loop, for an easy and safe carriage of the tool.

- Weight: 1000 g
- Head's weight: 800 g
- Length: 45 cm

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Splitting ax 1000 g

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