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Protective cover 13 cm / 4″

A small piece that makes a big difference: this 13 cm / 4 “protective cover has been designed to deflect dust and shavings created during cutting, it pours them out frontally, thus guaranteeing maximum protection and cleanliness. The item is compatible with item 316

Suitcase for chainsaw Magma

This practical case for the Magma chainsaw allows you to contain the tools and all the necessary equipment: inside there are 3 batteries, the battery charger, the maintenance kit, a bottle of oil with a dedicated place. This case is compatible with item 316 and 317

Chain sheath 13 cm / 4″

This 13 cm / 4 “chain sheath allows you to secure the chainsaw, protecting the chain and ensuring protection wherever the saw can be stored, waiting for the next cutting session. Compatible element with Art. 316