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Bolts set

Bolt set in blister pack for:

Art.2022 – Profi 56 cm hedge shears


Bolt for:

Art.11518 – Tornado 180
Art.11521 – Hurricane 210
Art.11524 – Hurricane 240
Art.11527 – Hurricane 270
Art.11530 – Hurricane 300
Art.12518 – Sharki 180
Art.14527 – Sirkos 270
Art.14533 – Sirkos 330

Blade and anvil for shears

Blade and counter blade set in blister pack for:

Art.500 – Long bypass pruning shears 70
Art.502 – Long bypass pruning shears 120
Art.503 – Long bypass pruning shears50
Art.504 – Long bypass pruning shears 180
Art.508 – Telescopic bypass pruning shears 1.3/2.0mt
Art.509 – Telescopic bypass pruning shears 1.8/3.0mt70

Frames for tunnel 0,52 x 0,88 m

Spring steel rods for tunnels made of plastic coated steel.

– Perfect in combination with garden fleece, shade and anti-insect netting, etc.
– 3 mounting clips per arch
– Size: h 52 x 88 cm
– 4 arches/package
– Diameter: 11 mm

Combi soil tester

3-in-1 measuring instrument for the following values:

– Reference value root moisture
– pH value of earth
– Location brightness (only for outdoor use)

Simply put the measuring instrument into the ground and the values will be displayed immediately.
Perfect for room and office plants as well as for outdoor use. The device is equipped with 2 measuring probes and works on solar energy.

Frames for tunnel 0,60 x 0,65 m

Spring steel rods for tunnels made of plastic coated steel.

– Perfect in combination with garden fleece as well as shade and anti-insect netting etc.
– 3 mounting clips per arch
– Size: h 60 x 65 cm
– 4 arches/package
– Diameter: 11 mm