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Art. 321

Chainsaw ALL-ROUNDER E-150 LA

The Chainsaw ALL-ROUNDER E-150 LA is a versatile and excellent tool for pruning medium-sized branches and in all DIY situations. A weight of…
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The Chainsaw ALL-ROUNDER E-150 LA is a versatile and excellent tool for pruning medium-sized branches and in all DIY situations. A weight of 1,135 g including battery, and a length of 43 cm allow it to be comfortable and dynamic for all situations. The chainsaw ALL-ROUNDER E-150 LA achieves a cutting speed of 12 m/s guaranteeing a precise and clean cut, and is effective up to diameters of up to 120 mm.

The chainsaw ALL-ROUNDER E-150 LA also has an automatic lubrication system, which is practical and advantageous in all situations.
It has a range of 50 cuts with an average diameter of 8 cm thanks to the 2.0 Ah / 16.8 V battery.

The package is completed by a Li-Ion battery, the double battery charger, an empty oil transfer bottle and the instruction manual.

Technical specifications:
- Weight with battery: 1,135 g
- Length: 43 cm
- Chain speed: 12 m/s
- Chain pitch: 1.1 mm - 1/4''
- Lubrication: automatic

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Chainsaw ALL-ROUNDER E-150 LA

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