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Art. 2063

Biodegradable tubing

The environmentally friendly alternative to conventional hollow string tie tubes. The biodegradable hollow string tie tube is ideal for binding tasks in vineyards…
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The environmentally friendly alternative to conventional hollow string tie tubes. The biodegradable hollow string tie tube is ideal for binding tasks in vineyards and orchards as well as the home garden. The hollow string tie tube is 100 % degradable and must not be disposed of after use.
The hollow cord is frost-proof and has a higher elasticity compared to traditional hollow string tie tubes made of plastic.

- Diameter: 2 mm
- DIN EN 13432
- 100% biodegradable

Also available with diameter:
- 3 mm (Art. 2089)
- 5 mm (Art. 2093)

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Biodegradable tubing

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