Le Content Card sono i biglietti dei corsi che puoi trovare e acquistare direttamente nei negozi e nelle rivendite agrarie. Ciascuna Card ha un codice da riportare nel riquadro sottostante per confermare la tua iscrizone al corso, dopo averlo già acquistato in negozio.
Se hai già una Content Card, il codice da inserire è evidenziato nel rettangolo rosso di esempio.
Se invece non hai una Content Card, puoi acquistare il corso direttamente qui sul sito scegliendo l’opzione Carta Prepagata.


Se non hai già acquistato in negozio una Content Card per i corsi di potatura, non preoccuparti! Puoi comprare il corso direttamente qui! Una volta completato il modulo di iscrizione potrai procedere al pagamento. I metodi di pagamento accettati sono: carta di credito, carta prepagata. Non è possibile pagare con bonifico bancario e con carta Postepay.

From September 17th to 20th, we held the annual meeting with Italian and Spanish agents, as well as with the international distributors: this year, for the first time, they were all invited to attend the meeting in Lana, at the company’s headquarters.

The week from September 17th to 20th was definitely an international week, during which agents from all over Italy and Spain, as well as distributors from all over the world came to Stocker. Like every year, in September, we hold the meetings for the presentation of the new catalogue and new products: this year, besides the Italian agents, also the Spanish agents and the distributors from Eastern Europe, Portugal and Mexico were invited at the company’s headquarters in Lana.

During the three meetings, the agents and clients had the chance to know all the new products in the new catalogue for 2020, among which are the TOP products, but also the communications plan, the development process for new products and much more. By taking part in some practical workshops, they could test the quality and functionality of the new products, and be informed about all the marketing tools and initiatives designed for the resellers.

The main day of the meeting with Italian agents took place at the Vigilius Mountain Resort, on the San Vigilio mountain, above the small city of Lana: it has been an exciting and alternative working-day, with workshops in the nature and a breathtaking view.

We also found the time for some relax and team-building: the Spanish and international groups could enjoy the beauty of the Southtyrolean nature in Merano 2000 and have fun with the alpin bob.

This has been a new experience for Stocker and for the partenrs, and it has allowed us to reinforce our sense of community under the Stocker brand, to have fun working together, and share the true charm of South Tyrol.