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The 2025 catalogue at your service

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new Stocker 2025 catalogue, which marks a major expansion of our power 21 V line. This year, we have extended the range not only to meet, but to anticipate your home and garden care needs!
In our ongoing commitment to innovation and quality, we have introduced the brand new Magma Telescopic Harvester, designed to make olive harvesting even more satisfying. But the novelties don’t stop there: the catalogue also includes a series of indispensable tools for the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of every corner of your green space and home.
We invite you to explore the new catalogue to discover in detail all the solutions we have developed with you in mind. Each product in the 21 V line has been designed to support your daily work in the best possible way, with quality and innovation.

Find out more about the POWER 21 V line: