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Company excursion: Visit of a centenary farm

This year the weather was not so good but, as nothing can discourage us, we found an alternative for our company trip on 31st August 2018. We went by bus to the near Val Senales, known for the glacier where the snow mummy “Ötzi” was found. The valley is very characteristic and we decided to visit a centenary farm open to the public. The very kind owner Petra showed and explained to us how the biological livestock of animals works, how the cows are milked and how the biological milk products like produce milk, yoghurt and cheese, that at the end of the visit we also tasted together with excellent wines, always of biological production of South Tyrol wine cellars. To conclude the day, we had lunch in a characteristic restaurant, where we ate very good delicacies. In the late afternoon, after this amazing day, we went back home.