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Mantain your tools in the best condition

Find an authorised Stocker Technical Assistance Centre: for a more thorough repair, routine maintenance or simple routine checks.

Stocker’s official service centres will speed up the work you need. At our Assistance Centres you will find qualified, professional and trained staff to carry out routine maintenance or checks as you see fit. In addition, experienced staff with knowledge of Stocker tools will carry out repairs in the most appropriate way and in the shortest possible time.

Get the best service for your tools, find your nearest Technical Assistance Centre.

CAT- Stocker


0425 750470
Product categories
Pompe e micronizzatori elettrici Show products
Forbici ad asta lunga Show products
Forbici a batteria Show products
Abbacchiatore a batteria Show products
Motosega a batteria Show products
Casa e giardino Show products